Please read carefully the rules.
The Social Creative Awards (SCA) is a international prizes designed to stimulate, promote and reward creativity and excellence in the creation of content on social media. The International Jury selects the most significant posts determining a winner a week called Social Creative Awards – Post of the Week (SCAW), a winner per month called Social Creative Awards – Post of the Month (SCAM) among the weekly prize winners), and finally the Nominations for the Annual Special Awards called Social Creative Awards of the Year (SCAY). At the end of the year, a trophy will be awarded to the winner for each specific Category, in addition to the Special Prizes. Social Creative Awards is the first Italian Award specifically dedicated to communication on social media.
Entries are always open during the course of the year. All winning projects must have received at least 10 votes from the judges. The candidate posts will remain in the vote for 1 week. The projects that will get the highest marks will remain candidated for 60 days to compete to win the weekly and / or monthly prize.
To apply for the Social Creative Awards, interested parties must nominate their own agency and social creativity, which must meet the following requirements:
Failure to comply with one of the previous rules will result in exclusion from the selection without a refund of the registration fee.
Each interested person must present his / her application exclusively online using the specific form available online at the Social Creative Awards. You must provide your requested information, links and digital files, then pay the relevant subscription fee.
Please note that the use of photos, music, people, brands or images is regulated by law and copyright. Those who register a project take exclusive responsability deriving from the use of images, music, people, brands present in their ads.
The subscription fee for registration is currently available.
Basic Plan € 699 + Tax
Pro Plan € 990 + Tax
Enterprise Plan € 1.980 + Tax
During the year it is possible to request plan upgrades.
The fee must be paid with bank transfer and electronic invoicing will be issued. Submitting your work by registering for the Social Creative Awards implies the acceptance in full of the Regulations of the same. Upon successful payment, a confirmation e-mail will be sent with the information to access the platform to nominate social creatives on the agency’s page.
Each candidate, by submitting his application, fully accepts this regulation, which he undertakes to respect, and expressly guarantees:
In case of ascertained violation of the foregoing provisions, the candidate will be excluded, without prior notice, and may also be excluded from participating in subsequent editions of the Award. Without prejudice to the above, if it should be found that the winners have violated the provisions of this regulation, they will lose the right to the Prize. In any case, each candidate undertakes to keep the prize organizers harmless from any and all prejudicial consequences and/or damage request that may arise for them and/or made to them, as a result of the presentation of their candidacy for the Award.
Each social creativity can be proposed for multiple categories. It will be the candidate’s responsibility to specify the Category for which he intends to compete. The actual membership of the work in the Category indicated by the candidate will be submitted to the unquestionable judgment of the Jury, which may consider the proposed candidacy valid for a Category other than that chosen by the candidate.
Each work can compete for the Prize in one of the following categories:
Each social post submitted to Social Creative Awards will be evaluated by our system based on 4 criteria: VISUAL, COPY, COHERENCE and ORIGINALITY. The jury has a dedicated section to give one to ten votes for each category.
Annual special prizes that will recognize the most appreciated social creativity are awarded, according to criteria of Visual, Copy, Coherence and Originality of realization, the best agency and the best social media creativity of the year will be awarded too (whatever the category it belongs to). New prize categories may subsequently be added.
Creative Agency of the year
The agency that has particularly distinguished itself for the quality, originality, design and innovation of the realization of the presented works. Nominations will be determined by the jury.
Annual Prizes
All the best social creativity of the year by distinguished category in absolute quality, design and / or innovation of realization among those presented. The Nominations will be determined by the jury and will take into consideration the votes received by the project.
The official Jury is international, totally independent and extremely qualified. Includes the best national and international gurus, professionals & leaders. Each year, several members of the jury will be selected to be part of a jury board that will be responsible for integrating the regulation, suggesting improvements to the online platform, to the voting system. Jurors are not allowed to vote for social creativity closely linked to their company, otherwise the work will be excluded from the Jury itself; in any case, the system will automatically inhibit the voting of social creatives. Each juror has the duty to carefully judge each of the candidate jobs assigned to him, with objectivity, professionalism and conscience.
The complete list of names and roles of the Social Creative Awards Jury is available on the specific “Jury” page of the navigation menu.
Nominations and winners will be selected by a Jury composed of national and international experts and professionals in the digital communication sector. All the votes from the Jury can be consulted and are transparent, they are listed on the detail page of each project. The vote is composed of the average of the judges’ votes obtained from the average of the resulting marks.
Weekly Award – SCAW (Social Creative Awards of the Week)
The Jury examines the applications and, after having carefully examined each project, will assign a grade to 0 to 10 for each post. Each social post must be voted by at least 5 judges and can be judged during 1 week, during which the vote remains active. After this period, the project will be assigned a final grade determined by the average of the marks received. Among all the projects voted, the system automatically selects the project with the highest grade on Sunday evening at 24.00, determining the weekly winner that will be announced on Monday morning. All the candidate and voted projects will be able to compete for the weekly prize for the 8 weeks following the vote (2 months).
Honorable Mention (Social Creative Awards Mention)
All projects that do not get the weekly prize but are also considered worthy of public recognition will be selected as SCA Mention at the discretion of the Jury Presidents and the Award Board. This recognition is not periodic or expires, but the Mention cannot compete for the monthly prize.
Monthly Award – SCAM (Social Creative Awards of the Month)
The winner of the project of the month is always an expression of the result of the votes of the Jury and the public. The monthly SCAM Prize is awarded on the first day of the month and will be selected automatically by choosing the most voted project among all the winners of the Weekly Prize (SCAW) in the period just ended.
Annual Award – SCAY (Social Creative Awards of the Year)
Once the Nominations have been determined, the Jury will re-evaluate the candidate projects, and will have to identify among them the winner of the prize for each category.
The proclamation of the weekly and monthly results takes place online, while the assignment and delivery of the annual prizes among the projects in the Nomination will take place online and / or during an event to be held during the year. In the case of the organization of an Award Ceremony, all the candidates included in the final Nominations will be invited to participate and, during the same, the winners will be able to receive a trophy and / or a certificate attesting to their effective recognition. All winners have the right to use the prizes received for promotional purposes, provided that the Social Creative Awards are always correctly cited.
All the works in Nomination and those awarded as winners will be published on the Social Creative Awards website and will eventually be published, at the sole discretion of the organization, also in all other forms and on all other media deemed suitable for promoting creative excellence Italian digital (where legally possible). Each participant authorizes the organization to project and publish, for promotional purposes, their works during public or private presentations, in the places, at the times and in the ways deemed most appropriate by the organization itself.
All winners of each prize category (SCAW, SCAM, SCAY) are also entitled to receive an official certificate certifying their victory in that particular category. The certificate is sent in PDF format via email to each winning candidate, in the days following the announcement.
The prize does not entitle to sums of money or to receive other forms of remuneration, but represents only the acknowledgment of the merit of the author of the works considered representative of the excellence of digital communication. The Prize may physically consist of a trophy and / or paper recognition certificate. The present initiative, therefore, is not subject to the discipline of Presidential Decree n. 430/2001.
The data of the contest participants will be processed by the Social Creative Awards organization in compliance with Legislative Decree n. 101/2018 (c.d. Privacy Code), in terms of the information provided to interested parties pursuant to art. 12 and following of the GDPR when completing the application form.
The awards for best social media content creation